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Retirement savings

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Preparing for retirement is a major issue for employees, individuals and business leaders alike. Retirement savings solutions, although adapted to each status, offer an effective way to supplement basic retirement income and ensure a certain financial peace of mind in the long term.

Employees and business leaders thus have a range of systems available to them allowing them to build up retirement capital or additional income and benefit from attractive tax advantages.

PER (retirement savings plan)

The PER: Deductible payments

Le PER est particulièrement intéressant pour les personnes imposables qui souhaitent réaliser des économies d’impôt tout en préparant leur retraite. Plus le contribuable a une tranche d’imposition marginale élevée, plus l'économie d'impôt est attrayante.

PER payment tax reduction table

The PER: Deductible payments

Your payments into the individual PER can be deducted from your taxable income, within the limit of a certain annual ceiling which depends on your status.

If you are an employee , it is possible to pay into your PER up to 10% of your net professional income, with possible carry-over over 3 years of unused ceilings and possible pooling between married spouses/civil partnership partners.

If you are self-employed, you can pay into your PER up to 10% of your taxable profit (up to 8 times the PASS) to which is added an additional 15% on the portion of this profit between 1 and 8 times the PASS.

Voluntary payments that have been deducted will be subject to income tax on the portion of the payments made when exiting the plan. Capital gains made during the investment will be subject to the PFU (flat-rate deduction) at a rate of 30%.

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